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Everything I Do I Do It For You Look into my eyes You will see what you mean to me Search your heart, search your soul And when you find me there You will search no more Don't tell me it's not worth trying for You can't tell me it's not worth dying for You know it's true Everything I do, I do it for you Look into your heart You will find there's nothing there to hide Take me as I am Take my life I would give it all, I would sacrifice Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for I can't help it There's nothing I want more You know it's true Everything I do, I do it for you There's no love like your love And no other could give more love There's no way unless you're there All the time, all the way Oh, You can't tell me It's not worth trying for I can't help it There's nothing I want more Yeah, I would fight for you I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you Yeah, I would die for you Yeah, know it's true Everything I do, I do it for you Bo Kyung.