과학의 발달, 이제는 영혼까지 카메라에?

자료실 2014. 8. 16. 00:50

과학자가 몸을 떠나는 영혼을 찍다

Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body
과학자가 몸을 떠나는 영혼을 찍다.​

The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera.

영혼이 몸을 떠나는 영적육체이탈의 순간에 죽음의 찰나에 있는 사람을 "생체전기사진카메라"로 촬영하는  러시아 과학자 Konstantin Korotkov 에 의해 포착 되었다.

The image taken using the gas discharge visualization method, an advanced technique of Kirlian photography shows in blue the life force of the person leaving the body gradually.


An interesting aspect of  Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) applications is the research into consciousness processes. Many years of experimentation have made it possible to identify bioelectrographic correlates of altered states of consciousness (ASC) These are particular states, which a person enters during meditation, mental training, religious ecstasy, or when under the influence of drugs, psychedelics or anesthesia. For many years we have been measuring Russian extrasensories, Candamblier priests in Brazil, participants of the Ayahuasca ceremony in Peru,  Chinese Qi-gong masters, and healers in Germany, the USA, and Slovenia. And almost all of these observations we obtain signs characteristic of ASC. Similar results, using the most diverse devices and methods, were obtained in the laboratories of different countries. This shows that the processes of consciousness are apparent on the physiological processes measured by the EPI method.

▼ Scientist photographed soul leaving body, human aura & energetic fields [1/2]


▼ Scientist photographed soul leaving body, human aura & energetic fields [2/2]  


▼ interview konstantin korotkov  


▼ Mind over Matter: Secrets of human aura revealed by Russian scientists 


▼관련기사 출처
