Shocked Scientists Ask: Is The Sun Is Dying?

2011년 12월 2일 


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Dying sun lights bleak, dead landscape of Earth

Shocked scientists hurriedly rechecked their data and gloomily admitted it's true: the sun's core is shrinking...the sun may be dying.

충격 받은 과학자들, 서둘러 그들의 데이터를 다시 체크했고 걱정스럽게도
그것이 진실이란 것을 인정했다: 태양의 핵이 위축되고 있다.
태양은 죽어가고 있는지도 모른다.


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Doomed star (like ours?) in final death throes [NASA]


Something is wrong with the sun

Cosmologists and astronomers determine the age of things like planets, stars and galaxies. And they use that data—the best they have—to determine the age of Earth's sun.

They determined during the past century that the sun's nearly 5 billion years old. Everyone was happy because according to observations of other stars similar to the sun that meant the Earth's star would last at least another several billion years.

That question settled, the scientists ate well, slept well, and collected handsome honorariums for speaking engagements.

Everything was copasetic and the universe was in harmony.

Until 2010.

During 2010 three unprecendented events took place.


2010년에 전례 없는 세 가지 사건들이 일어났다.


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The sun, now a Red Giant, approaches Earth [NASA]


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