08.05.12. In the quarter Klong Luang, Pathum Thani, the road along the canal (west coast) fell down to 1.5 -2 meters and 100 meters in length in different parts . The collapse occurred close to the road, which passes through the area.




07.05.12. In Wang Noi, Ayutthaya, the road collapsed by more than 100 meters in length.



In mid of april subsided the road with the dam in Pho Thong, Ang Thong.

On april a section of a footpath on Rama III Road near Khlong Bang Khlo collapsed after land beneath it subsided along the banks of the canal. The subsidence, which took place late on Monday night, created a hole 3m deep, 5m wide and 22m long.



Also reported, that part of Tok Road in Bang Kholaem district is closed after a large crack opened on the surface, and the road started to subside.


08.05.12. A 300-metre section of the Den Chai-Lampang road between the 36th and 37th kilometre markers collapsed in Phrae’s Long district.





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